Determination of the role of the host lipid profile as risk factor of Zika vertical transmission in a rodent model  - Zika

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Determination of the role of the host lipid profile as risk factor of Zika vertical transmission in a rodent model 

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  • Determination of the role of the host lipid profile as risk factor of Zika vertical transmission in a rodent model 

Zika derives its lipids from the internal membranes of cells, partially hijacking cell lipid metabolism for its replicative purposes. Placental cells, like any other host cell, recruit membrane lipids, such as sterol, triglycerides or phospholipids directly from diet nutrients, which means that host and consequently viral lipids could be determined by the content and quality of daily fatty acids intake. On those bases, ZIKA-PATHO investigated if diet can influence the lipid composition of placental cell membranes during pregnancy affecting susceptibility to ZIKV vertical transmission.  

Who was involved

This was a collaboration between Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie and Penta. 


Results are still confidential since the manuscript is currently under submission.